decembra 21, 2011

Nový teaser ku knihe "City of lost souls"

Cassandra nám opäť dala možnosť nahliadnuť do očakávanej knihy City of lost souls, čo je už v poradí piata kniha série The Mortal Instruments (Nástroje smrti). Kniha má vyjsť v USA 8. mája 2012. A tu je už spomínaný teaser:

POZNÁMKA!!! neodporúčam tým, ktorí nemajú v láske spoilery
* * *
Jace vaulted over the counter in a single movement, landing beside Clary. He knelt down and pulled her close, running his hands over her, his eyes black-gold with concern. She caught at his wrists. 
“I’m all right,” she said. Her heart was pounding, her blood still singing in her veins. He opened his mouth to say something but she leaned forward and put her hands on either side of his face, her nails digging in. “I feel good,” she said, and kissed him, fierce and hard, and he kissed her back, rumpled and sweaty and bloody, and she tasted salt in her mouth though she didn’t know if it was his blood or hers.

Na tomto odkaze sú v anglickom jazyku všetky ostatné teasery, ktoré nám Cassie doteraz poskytla.

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